Want to be inspired by the younger generation of Catholics? Would you like to be encouraged in your own journey and how you can connect with other Catholics in your own neck of the woods? This type of evangelization is far beyond what social media platforms can do. Richy Orozco of Catholic Connect has embarked on this remarkable journey of taking online connections and making them happen in real life. His passion to build community within our local communities is a huge task but he is using the uniqueness of his stage of life to build up the kingdom of God. Richy Orozco is bilingual and in his last semester of college at C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He’s most likely drinking coffee, hanging out with friends, learning new things about technology, or talking to his priest friends. Throughout his youth he was always involved in youth groups and after finishing high school he realized that there was a lack of resources to connect Catholics to their commun...
On the heels of our 2 episodes about the occult and New Age, we decided that it was a good idea to go ahead and release this episode a week early. (We may take the whole month of June off, haha :)) We heard from so many of you telling us how those previous episodes had helped you and are now looking for the next step. Of course, as we have said so many times, Confession is your Sacrament of healing. But we also want to talk about a beautiful ministry that is an absolute jewel for us in the trenches of this world. This step is one to be used over and over in our daily lives and also is a valuable tool to use with children and friends. UNBOUND Ministry is an approach to deliverance and healing prayer developed by Neal Lozano. The focus of the UNBOUND model is on an individual as you deeply listen into their story and heart. UNBOUND is a safe, loving, effective prayer model that helps people to respond to the good news of the gospel. UNBOUND applies the truth to our lives by using five b...
Welcome Back! Host, Becky Carter, relaunches the podcast by sharing how God led her back to the microphone and how she plans to continue on with the original mission of encouraging women to serve Christ in their feminine vocation. Check out the new look and the new sound!
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