Thriving in the Trenches - Words of Wisdom We Ought to Ignore

Have you ever heard a piece of “wisdom” that has been passed on for generations? For example, “You can do anything you put your mind to” or “Do what makes you happy”. While these words can feel encouraging in a moment of stress, they may not be the most sound and virtuous ways to go about discerning life decisions.
Laura Hudgens, a writer, junior high teacher, momma, and my friend, sits down with me as we talk through several of these little sayings. As referenced in one of her Grown and Flown articles, these phrases have become ingrained into our culture of encouragement.
Of course, I always enjoy my friendly conversations with Laura, this interview is no different. So, I hope you sit back and enjoy – or fold your laundry – or drive to work — but nonetheless, ENJOY! This one will have you smiling, shaking your head and even singing, Amen!


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