Thriving in the Trenches - Truth Bombs and Fairy Godmothers 2

2nd Installment – If Part 1 left your heart aching, do not wait another minute to continue to listen to the rest of the story. Well, the story as it is up to this point in our lives. Ladies, God is Good; God loves us; God redeems all things and heals all things. Yes, YOU are worthy of God’s mercy and love and redemption.
And now – I tell you that I am taking an extended holiday break – May you and your loved ones be richly blessed this Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas Season. Thank you for all that you have done in support and for listening to what God has placed on my heart to share with each of you. I pray you have all grown closer to the Lord in even some small way because of this podcast. I have given you my heart in so many ways and on so many occasions and topics. BLESSINGS!!!


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